“jason mesnik sucks”
“jason mesnik is an idiot”
And my favorite:
All of those are searches that people have used to get to our blog since last night. And I completely agree with them. Well...maybe not the last one. That might be A BIT excessive. Although...I’m all for positive reinforcement with kids and all that, but picking out the name “Sheep” for a lamb is NOT a praise-worthy decision. (And this is coming from a girl who named her stuffed lamb “Lambie” and her two blankets “Pinky” and “Yellow Blanket”...anyone want to guess what colors they were?)
But...back to the Jason bashing!
Post/rant continues after the jump.
Here’s the thing...whether you believe ABC orchestrated this ending or you think it was completely real...whether you think Jason picked Melissa knowing he wanted Molly or you think he made a mistake and changed his mind...breaking up with your fiancé on national television is the shittiest move in Bachelor history. Or at least on all the Bachelors I’ve watched so far. If Jason did “make a mistake” and chose the wrong girl, then act like a compassionate human being and break up with her without millions of people watching. It’s not that hard. No where in the Bachelor contract did it have a clause saying, “By the way, if you do happen to break up with the woman you proposed to less than two months after filming, you kind of have to dump her ass on our show.” I mean...I haven’t read the contract, but I’m sure that’s not in there. Also not in there...the stipulation that you have to propose to anyone at all. If you’re SO torn the morning of the final rose ceremony, don’t propose. If you’re “in love with two women,” don’t propose. And if you do propose, try to mean it. We all make stupid decisions, but Melissa was totally right...if he really did think he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her, he should have tried to make it work. Or at least given a better reason than “it feels different.” Because well, that’s crap.
But I don’t blame ABC or the Bachelor. Do I think they were involved in orchestrating what happened? Yeah, I definitely do. But I wouldn’t expect anything less of them. They’re in it to make money. They’re concerned with giving us good, dramatic television, not a love story. I mean...if a love story goes along with that, awesome. But people tune in for the drama. Jason’s the one that had a relationship with Melissa. He’s the one who made the decision to humiliate her by dumping her on national television. The Bachelor can encourage him all they want, but ultimately, it’s up to him whether he wants to be a decent person or not. And he chose not to be. So...I’ll definitely still be watching The Bachelor in the future. I’ve always watched it knowing that what you see isn’t the whole story. It’s still entertaining. I mean, don’t get me wrong...I want my love story. Kristen (my co-blog author) said it best when we were talking last night. It’s like watching a movie. You know it’s not real, but you still want your happily ever after.
A few other quick thoughts on last night’s show...
The only think I dislike about Melissa, I think, is her tramp stamp. Why? Does anyone actually think those look good?
Was anyone else just sitting there dreading the final hour (knowing what happens from spoilers)? At the really cute moments...like the proposal...I should have been like “awww,” but instead I’m like, “How could you, you bastard?”
Okay, there’s no way that the conversation between Molly and Chris (about how she was still in love with Jason and would take him back and all that) happened without Molly knowing that Jason had just dumped Melissa. She HAS to have been in contact with Jason. Well, either that or she’s pretty much the most pathetic person ever. And she has to have more self-respect than that, right?
As much as Jason claims that he can’t help how he feels and he’s just following his heart and all that crap, if your heart is telling you to dump your fiancé on TV, then well, your heart’s an ass.
I’m pretty sure it’s super inappropriate to make out with another girl about 15 minutes after you dumped your fiancé on national television.
And...best lines of the night go to Melissa, for sure:
“Don’t call me. Don’t text me anymore. Leave me alone, please.”
Jason: There’s obviously no way that I’m perfect.
Melissa: I’ll second that.
And...my favorite line of the night:
“You’re such a bastard.”
Yeah...I love Melissa.
So...tomorrow night’s show? I’m hoping Jason breaks up with Molly, and they bring Jillian out, and Jason asks her for another chance. Or Naomi. Or Megan. Or maybe crazy Renee and her vision boards. Is this REALLY the best we can do for drama ABC? Because I think Jason can break up with a lot more girls...
But yeah...Jason Mesnik...worst Bachelor ever?
But I don’t blame ABC or the Bachelor. Do I think they were involved in orchestrating what happened? Yeah, I definitely do. But I wouldn’t expect anything less of them. They’re in it to make money. They’re concerned with giving us good, dramatic television, not a love story. I mean...if a love story goes along with that, awesome. But people tune in for the drama. Jason’s the one that had a relationship with Melissa. He’s the one who made the decision to humiliate her by dumping her on national television. The Bachelor can encourage him all they want, but ultimately, it’s up to him whether he wants to be a decent person or not. And he chose not to be. So...I’ll definitely still be watching The Bachelor in the future. I’ve always watched it knowing that what you see isn’t the whole story. It’s still entertaining. I mean, don’t get me wrong...I want my love story. Kristen (my co-blog author) said it best when we were talking last night. It’s like watching a movie. You know it’s not real, but you still want your happily ever after.
A few other quick thoughts on last night’s show...
The only think I dislike about Melissa, I think, is her tramp stamp. Why? Does anyone actually think those look good?
Was anyone else just sitting there dreading the final hour (knowing what happens from spoilers)? At the really cute moments...like the proposal...I should have been like “awww,” but instead I’m like, “How could you, you bastard?”
Okay, there’s no way that the conversation between Molly and Chris (about how she was still in love with Jason and would take him back and all that) happened without Molly knowing that Jason had just dumped Melissa. She HAS to have been in contact with Jason. Well, either that or she’s pretty much the most pathetic person ever. And she has to have more self-respect than that, right?
As much as Jason claims that he can’t help how he feels and he’s just following his heart and all that crap, if your heart is telling you to dump your fiancé on TV, then well, your heart’s an ass.
I’m pretty sure it’s super inappropriate to make out with another girl about 15 minutes after you dumped your fiancé on national television.
And...best lines of the night go to Melissa, for sure:
“Don’t call me. Don’t text me anymore. Leave me alone, please.”
Jason: There’s obviously no way that I’m perfect.
Melissa: I’ll second that.
And...my favorite line of the night:
“You’re such a bastard.”
Yeah...I love Melissa.
So...tomorrow night’s show? I’m hoping Jason breaks up with Molly, and they bring Jillian out, and Jason asks her for another chance. Or Naomi. Or Megan. Or maybe crazy Renee and her vision boards. Is this REALLY the best we can do for drama ABC? Because I think Jason can break up with a lot more girls...
But yeah...Jason Mesnik...worst Bachelor ever?
I love the searches that are leading people here, the latest one is "bachelor jason atfr bastard". I couldn't agree more!
I also definitely agree that I'm not mad at ABC. Of course they want a dramatic ending and to get lots of viewers. If I was a producer there and Jason agreed to break-up with Melissa on camera I would be high-fiving everyone around me. He could have said no, but didn't, so he's to blame.
And, man, that would have been great if he had realized that it was a mistake to let Renee and her vision boards go.
Jason should not have broken up the way he did on the after the final rose ceremony. He did not need to go on there and should have told them that things weren't working out and left it at that. Melissa asked him before going on the final rose if she was going to be blindsided and he said no. Why lie to her Jason, you would not want a women doing that to you or your son.
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