Our recap begins after the jump.
Like every week, we begin with the loser tribe, which happens to be Timbira, arriving back at camp after their last ouster. Erinn, having been super close with Candace, is trying to distance herself from her since, um, everyone voted for Candace to go. She claims that she wasn’t really that close with Candace, and that she was suspicious of her. Obviously, no one is buying it, and Coach even goes as far a to say that she is insulting their intelligence. Assuming that they possess any at all, that is. Apparently Coach is super offended by the idea that Erinn is trying to save her own ass. God...I can’t stand this guy.
It’s now day 7 at Timbira and Jerry sadly coughs. Erinn, who is already looking gaunt, talks about being worried about her association with Candace. She decides that she needs to outperform the other women in her tribe at the next challenge, so show that she should be kept around.
Meanwhile, Jerry decides to skip his second meal in a row because he thinks the beans are giving him stomach problems. Jerry, it’s just gas. I know it’s embarrassing at night to be farting around people you just met, but you need your protein. To be fair...those beans look seriously disgusting, so yeah, I’d be sick too. The rice looks alright though. But really, the fact that they are focusing on this does not bode well for Jerry’s future health. Visit from the medics coming up? Jerry is trying to pretend that he’s totally fine, but um, he’s not that great of an actor?
Now were over to last week’s big winners, Jalapao. They may have won the immunity challenge, but they’re sure not winners at catching fish with the new gear they won. JT thinks the net they have is a throw net, but um, that really doesn’t seem to be the case. I’m not a fishing expert in the slightest, but aren’t you supposed to like...drag the net? Come on people. I’ve been fishing like twice when I was about 10 and I can figure this out. JT claims he would be great at this, but the water’s different than at home. Suuuure.
Anyway, JT decides to stick with what he’s good at, and fishes using the pole. He catches a few decent sized fish (guess the water’s not all that different after all) and Stephen catches a cute little baby fish. Aww...he’s learning so well! Anyway, Jalapao gets to have a decent meal of fish, which should give them an advantage at the challenge. Joe agrees with me.
Now it’s reward challenge time! This one is one of those blindfold type ones. It’s something to do with filling something with corn. The reward is some chairs, blankets, pillows, a hammock, and a large umbrella. It may not be the most practical, but certainly a morale booster. The winners will send someone to Exile and that person picks a winner to join them, like last week.
Each team has a caller. Jalapao picks Joe and Timbira picks Deb. Deb definitely seems to be calling out instructions, but not specifying who they’re for. That doesn’t seem so helpful. She also has the strategy of yelling the same word over and over. Such as, “STRAIGHT! STRAIGHT! STRAIGHT!” or “RIGHT! RIGHT! RIGHT!” Either Debbie is terrible at directions (my guess) or Jerry and Brendan are deaf.
Jalapao is pretty much kicking Timbira’s ass. I think part of this is because Deb sucks at instructions, but whatever. Jalapao is done with collecting their water and can move on to corn, but Timbira is still working on the water. Uh...yeah...Timbira’s definitely going to lose. As Jeff says, “Timbira really blowing this challenge”. Before Timbira can even finish getting their water, Jalapao wins the challenge. Coach is VERY upset, go figure.
Jalapao picks Brendan to go to Exile (again), who in turn picks Taj (also again). Should be interesting to see how this works out, assuming both of them make it to the merge. After a good start, Timbira is not doing so well. They need to come together as a tribe or they’ll never win.
Coach talks about how upset he is and how they need to start doing better. “Winners find a way to win. Losers find a way to lose”. Damn...he’s like the best coach ever. How inspirational.
Back at Timbira‘s camp, morale is not so high. Coach says that he let out a tribal yell and says that he was really embarrassed by their loss. Coach tells the tribe they shouldn’t go off in groups and blame people. I disagree. If people suck at the challenge, you should notice. People who are bad should go at this point. Well, unless they’re people I like...
Coach then goes off and talks about Sierra during the challenge. Oh, and Erinn too. Is anyone shocked that Coach is a huge hypocrite? No one? Tyson puts it simply in an interview, “One word to describe Coach…I think that’s it: coach. You know? He’s not always the best at what he’s coaching, but he thinks he knows the most.” Lucky Tyson gets to be Coach’s assistant coach and he’s definitely letting it go to his head. Tyson thinks Coach has a “school boy crush” on him. How adorable. He decides that he will eventually get promoted to coach, and decides that “If we ever get put on separate tribes in this game, I will demand that the other tribe calls me coach too”. That would be borderline amazing, actually. Ya know, I would probably like Tyson a lot more if he wasn’t all BFF-like with Coach.
Back at Jalapao, egos are running high. They think that if they win the next challenge, Timbira will be shot. At Timbira, Coach is not letting the fact that they have no comfort get the better of him. He notes that the people from Jalapao are dirtier than them anyway, so they need the comfort more. That’s actually a good way to put it. Way to go, Coach! First good thing I’ve heard from you all season.
At Exile Island, Taj picks the urn with the clue this time and it says that the immunity idols are “surrounded by wood”. I’m going to take this opportunity to leave any sexual innuendos that I have running through my mind out of this...
Although...I’m not sure how much the clue is really going to help them, considering how bad Brandon was at clues last time. Taj and Brendan decide to bring two more people into their alliance, so that they won’t get screwed over if someone else gets sent to Exile, I think. They pick Sierra from Brendan’s tribe and Stephen from Taj’s tribe. They’re hoping to have all four of them make it to the merge. I hope so too...and that they bring JT into their little group. I LOVE it when the people I like form an alliance...it makes everything so much easier.
It’s now day 8 in Jalapao who brag about the fact that they were not cold at all and were glad that Timbira had to sleep through the storm with no blankets to be seen. Sandy is feeling so good that she says, “I know I’m a sex kitten this morning. There’s no doubt in my mind.” Well, maybe there should be Sandy, maybe there should be. Seems like they’re getting pretty cocky over there, I want to see them knocked down off their high horses.
It’s now time for the immunity challenge and the perfect opportunity for Jalapao to be knocked down a peg. Two from each tribe at a time will race and roll crates back to the line. Then they have to correctly stack the crates (so it spells out their name) and they can like...climb up it? I don't know...something like that.
Jalapao takes an early lead, but Timbira quickly overpasses them due to a good job by Tyson and Sierra. Stephen and Sydney kind of suck for Jalapao. Jerry’s obviously not doing well at all. Timbira definitely has the lead (although not a HUGE lead) in this challenge though, at least when it comes to bringing back the crates. Stacking them may be a whole different story.
Erinn is leading Timbira when it comes to stacking, so if she can do well, this could be good for her. Um, but apparently it won’t be, since Timbira is arguing a heck of a lot. Jalapao, on the other hand, seems to be kind of kicking ass. It’s coming down to the last piece, but Jalapao wins in the end. Dang! As Timbira loses, Jerry says “I’m through, I’m finished”. Does that mean he wants to go? That could completely save Erinn, who seems the obvious choice to be going otherwise. Jerry was pretty horrible in the challenge...
Back at camp, Jerry seems in pretty bad shape, but he says he’s not going to quit. Guess that’s not what he meant.
At Timbira, Jerry is not feeling well and people seem mildly concerned. Jerry does his best not to show his weakness. It seems like it’s not working and the tribe talk about how Jerry should go. Coach is not happy with this because I guess Erinn made some sort of evil face when she realized that Jerry was sick and that meant she was staying.
Coach first talks about this with Tyson, who will now be known as “Assistant Coach.” After talking to Assistant Coach, Coach talks about sending Erinn home with Sierra and Debbie. Coach, who’s ego is still larger than Brazil says, “I cannot exist around people like that. You guys can, because you can socialize with them. I am so true that existing around people who smile evilly when somebody else is on their knees, it kills me” Oh Coach, you are so true and superior, obviously. Sierra tells the camera that she’s not stupid, so she’s going to get rid of the weakest link (Jerry), despite how she personally feels about him. Assistant Coach obviously love Coach’s plan and tells Jerry that nobody is trying to vote him out, which is complete and utter bullshit.
Later, Brendan goes to the Tree Mail area to look for the immunity necklace. He finds it pretty easily under the grass skirt of some little treemail statue. Wow, I’m surprised he found it so quickly; he really doesn’t seem that smart. I wonder if he and Taj were looking in the same place.
Brendan hides the idol and I hope that he remembers where he hid it. It’s definitely a good idea to hide the Idol, though. People clearly go through everyone’s stuff to try to find it. But here’s what I want to know...if someone came upon his hidden Idol, could they just take it? They might not realize someone had already found it. But it’s also like...illegal to steal the Idol from someone. Tricky.
Erinn says that she wants to remind people that Jerry is sick without looking like a bitch and Jerry tells people that his health is improving, and my goodness! His smile is so big and bright. Wow, that sounded lame, but really, it’s almost blinding. Erinn doesn’t look too happy that Jerry’s feeling better (Is he even feeling better? Or is he faking it to try to stay?) Either way, how sweet of her. Tyson, who is also a sweetheart says, “Erinn wants to be here so, so bad that her getting blindsided would look really cool. I love seeing people cry when you crush their dreams.” And, honestly, it is pretty amusing and all that, but I so want Coach to not get his way.
Now on to tribal council where Jeff asks the tribe how they feel about momentum and how important it is to the tribe. Tyson says that all they need is one win. Jeff points out that no one would listen to Erinn’s plan, and she talks about how frustrating it is.
Jeff asks Brendan if the tribe communicates well. Brendan thinks they do, but Jerry vehemently disagrees. Jerry thinks they need a leader. Jeff asks who he’d suggest, and Jerry says Brendan. Oooh...the look on Coach’s face there. How pissed off do you think he is that Jerry didn’t suggest him as the leader. Jeff asks Coach what he thinks of the idea of Brendan as the leader, and Coach basically says that HE should be leader, naturally. I wouldn’t expect anything less of him. Apparently on the truck as they were collecting what items they wanted, Coach instructed everyone on what they should get using his eyes. Um...right...this guy’s crazy.
Jeff asks Erinn about her opinion of this, and Erinn says that she thinks Coach may be used to being the leader, but Brendan’s a better leader. Hahaha. That’s clearly true. Coach and Erinn get into a little fight/discussion. Jeff calls Coach out on having a big ego, and Coach tries to claim he doesn’t. Riiiiight. So um, voting time?
We see that Erinn votes for Jerry, Jerry votes for Erinn, and Coach brought his trench coat to Tribal again. You know how chilly it gets in the Brazil. Jeff tallies the votes, asks if anyone wants to play the Immunity Idol (you know Brendan won’t play it), and then reads the votes. And they are:
And thus, Jerry is the third to leave, and Tyson didn’t get to see Erinn cry. Apparently everyone voted for Jerry. What happened to Coach and Tyson’s big upset?
Bottom Four:
Coach: It’s pretty self-explanatory, but if we had to give a reason, it’d be his GIANT ego.
Assistant Coach (aka Tyson): He says some really funny stuff, but we can’t get past the fact that he’s Coach’s lackey.
Sandy: We didn’t see too much of her, but “not seeing too much” is still too much.
Sydney: We don’t really have a reason. We just don’t like her.
Core Four (Plus One):
We really couldn’t narrow it down to just four people. So yes, we’re breaking our rules, but it’s our blog dammit! We do what we want!
Sierra: She’s still our little underdog and she’s looking better and better as far as position in camp goes. Barring seriously bad performance, she’s safe for at least one more week, and may be joining a secret alliance of four soon.
Taj: Anyone with that maniacal of a laugh must be in our Core Four. Plus, she’s sitting pretty if she makes it to the merge.
Stephen: A potential member of the secret alliance of four and he doesn’t seem to have a giant ego, which is enough to put him in our Core Four.
JT: He didn’t have much of a role in tonight’s episode, but we’re still smitten from last week. Keep it up Huckleberry Finn.
Brendan: At first he just looked like a tool, but he might just be smarter than we thought. He found an idol and may have entered into a very powerful alliance.
It’s now day 7 at Timbira and Jerry sadly coughs. Erinn, who is already looking gaunt, talks about being worried about her association with Candace. She decides that she needs to outperform the other women in her tribe at the next challenge, so show that she should be kept around.
Meanwhile, Jerry decides to skip his second meal in a row because he thinks the beans are giving him stomach problems. Jerry, it’s just gas. I know it’s embarrassing at night to be farting around people you just met, but you need your protein. To be fair...those beans look seriously disgusting, so yeah, I’d be sick too. The rice looks alright though. But really, the fact that they are focusing on this does not bode well for Jerry’s future health. Visit from the medics coming up? Jerry is trying to pretend that he’s totally fine, but um, he’s not that great of an actor?
Now were over to last week’s big winners, Jalapao. They may have won the immunity challenge, but they’re sure not winners at catching fish with the new gear they won. JT thinks the net they have is a throw net, but um, that really doesn’t seem to be the case. I’m not a fishing expert in the slightest, but aren’t you supposed to like...drag the net? Come on people. I’ve been fishing like twice when I was about 10 and I can figure this out. JT claims he would be great at this, but the water’s different than at home. Suuuure.
Anyway, JT decides to stick with what he’s good at, and fishes using the pole. He catches a few decent sized fish (guess the water’s not all that different after all) and Stephen catches a cute little baby fish. Aww...he’s learning so well! Anyway, Jalapao gets to have a decent meal of fish, which should give them an advantage at the challenge. Joe agrees with me.
Now it’s reward challenge time! This one is one of those blindfold type ones. It’s something to do with filling something with corn. The reward is some chairs, blankets, pillows, a hammock, and a large umbrella. It may not be the most practical, but certainly a morale booster. The winners will send someone to Exile and that person picks a winner to join them, like last week.
Each team has a caller. Jalapao picks Joe and Timbira picks Deb. Deb definitely seems to be calling out instructions, but not specifying who they’re for. That doesn’t seem so helpful. She also has the strategy of yelling the same word over and over. Such as, “STRAIGHT! STRAIGHT! STRAIGHT!” or “RIGHT! RIGHT! RIGHT!” Either Debbie is terrible at directions (my guess) or Jerry and Brendan are deaf.
Jalapao is pretty much kicking Timbira’s ass. I think part of this is because Deb sucks at instructions, but whatever. Jalapao is done with collecting their water and can move on to corn, but Timbira is still working on the water. Uh...yeah...Timbira’s definitely going to lose. As Jeff says, “Timbira really blowing this challenge”. Before Timbira can even finish getting their water, Jalapao wins the challenge. Coach is VERY upset, go figure.
Jalapao picks Brendan to go to Exile (again), who in turn picks Taj (also again). Should be interesting to see how this works out, assuming both of them make it to the merge. After a good start, Timbira is not doing so well. They need to come together as a tribe or they’ll never win.
Coach talks about how upset he is and how they need to start doing better. “Winners find a way to win. Losers find a way to lose”. Damn...he’s like the best coach ever. How inspirational.
Back at Timbira‘s camp, morale is not so high. Coach says that he let out a tribal yell and says that he was really embarrassed by their loss. Coach tells the tribe they shouldn’t go off in groups and blame people. I disagree. If people suck at the challenge, you should notice. People who are bad should go at this point. Well, unless they’re people I like...
Coach then goes off and talks about Sierra during the challenge. Oh, and Erinn too. Is anyone shocked that Coach is a huge hypocrite? No one? Tyson puts it simply in an interview, “One word to describe Coach…I think that’s it: coach. You know? He’s not always the best at what he’s coaching, but he thinks he knows the most.” Lucky Tyson gets to be Coach’s assistant coach and he’s definitely letting it go to his head. Tyson thinks Coach has a “school boy crush” on him. How adorable. He decides that he will eventually get promoted to coach, and decides that “If we ever get put on separate tribes in this game, I will demand that the other tribe calls me coach too”. That would be borderline amazing, actually. Ya know, I would probably like Tyson a lot more if he wasn’t all BFF-like with Coach.
Back at Jalapao, egos are running high. They think that if they win the next challenge, Timbira will be shot. At Timbira, Coach is not letting the fact that they have no comfort get the better of him. He notes that the people from Jalapao are dirtier than them anyway, so they need the comfort more. That’s actually a good way to put it. Way to go, Coach! First good thing I’ve heard from you all season.
At Exile Island, Taj picks the urn with the clue this time and it says that the immunity idols are “surrounded by wood”. I’m going to take this opportunity to leave any sexual innuendos that I have running through my mind out of this...
Although...I’m not sure how much the clue is really going to help them, considering how bad Brandon was at clues last time. Taj and Brendan decide to bring two more people into their alliance, so that they won’t get screwed over if someone else gets sent to Exile, I think. They pick Sierra from Brendan’s tribe and Stephen from Taj’s tribe. They’re hoping to have all four of them make it to the merge. I hope so too...and that they bring JT into their little group. I LOVE it when the people I like form an alliance...it makes everything so much easier.
It’s now day 8 in Jalapao who brag about the fact that they were not cold at all and were glad that Timbira had to sleep through the storm with no blankets to be seen. Sandy is feeling so good that she says, “I know I’m a sex kitten this morning. There’s no doubt in my mind.” Well, maybe there should be Sandy, maybe there should be. Seems like they’re getting pretty cocky over there, I want to see them knocked down off their high horses.
It’s now time for the immunity challenge and the perfect opportunity for Jalapao to be knocked down a peg. Two from each tribe at a time will race and roll crates back to the line. Then they have to correctly stack the crates (so it spells out their name) and they can like...climb up it? I don't know...something like that.
Jalapao takes an early lead, but Timbira quickly overpasses them due to a good job by Tyson and Sierra. Stephen and Sydney kind of suck for Jalapao. Jerry’s obviously not doing well at all. Timbira definitely has the lead (although not a HUGE lead) in this challenge though, at least when it comes to bringing back the crates. Stacking them may be a whole different story.
Erinn is leading Timbira when it comes to stacking, so if she can do well, this could be good for her. Um, but apparently it won’t be, since Timbira is arguing a heck of a lot. Jalapao, on the other hand, seems to be kind of kicking ass. It’s coming down to the last piece, but Jalapao wins in the end. Dang! As Timbira loses, Jerry says “I’m through, I’m finished”. Does that mean he wants to go? That could completely save Erinn, who seems the obvious choice to be going otherwise. Jerry was pretty horrible in the challenge...
Back at camp, Jerry seems in pretty bad shape, but he says he’s not going to quit. Guess that’s not what he meant.
At Timbira, Jerry is not feeling well and people seem mildly concerned. Jerry does his best not to show his weakness. It seems like it’s not working and the tribe talk about how Jerry should go. Coach is not happy with this because I guess Erinn made some sort of evil face when she realized that Jerry was sick and that meant she was staying.
Coach first talks about this with Tyson, who will now be known as “Assistant Coach.” After talking to Assistant Coach, Coach talks about sending Erinn home with Sierra and Debbie. Coach, who’s ego is still larger than Brazil says, “I cannot exist around people like that. You guys can, because you can socialize with them. I am so true that existing around people who smile evilly when somebody else is on their knees, it kills me” Oh Coach, you are so true and superior, obviously. Sierra tells the camera that she’s not stupid, so she’s going to get rid of the weakest link (Jerry), despite how she personally feels about him. Assistant Coach obviously love Coach’s plan and tells Jerry that nobody is trying to vote him out, which is complete and utter bullshit.
Later, Brendan goes to the Tree Mail area to look for the immunity necklace. He finds it pretty easily under the grass skirt of some little treemail statue. Wow, I’m surprised he found it so quickly; he really doesn’t seem that smart. I wonder if he and Taj were looking in the same place.
Brendan hides the idol and I hope that he remembers where he hid it. It’s definitely a good idea to hide the Idol, though. People clearly go through everyone’s stuff to try to find it. But here’s what I want to know...if someone came upon his hidden Idol, could they just take it? They might not realize someone had already found it. But it’s also like...illegal to steal the Idol from someone. Tricky.
Erinn says that she wants to remind people that Jerry is sick without looking like a bitch and Jerry tells people that his health is improving, and my goodness! His smile is so big and bright. Wow, that sounded lame, but really, it’s almost blinding. Erinn doesn’t look too happy that Jerry’s feeling better (Is he even feeling better? Or is he faking it to try to stay?) Either way, how sweet of her. Tyson, who is also a sweetheart says, “Erinn wants to be here so, so bad that her getting blindsided would look really cool. I love seeing people cry when you crush their dreams.” And, honestly, it is pretty amusing and all that, but I so want Coach to not get his way.
Now on to tribal council where Jeff asks the tribe how they feel about momentum and how important it is to the tribe. Tyson says that all they need is one win. Jeff points out that no one would listen to Erinn’s plan, and she talks about how frustrating it is.
Jeff asks Brendan if the tribe communicates well. Brendan thinks they do, but Jerry vehemently disagrees. Jerry thinks they need a leader. Jeff asks who he’d suggest, and Jerry says Brendan. Oooh...the look on Coach’s face there. How pissed off do you think he is that Jerry didn’t suggest him as the leader. Jeff asks Coach what he thinks of the idea of Brendan as the leader, and Coach basically says that HE should be leader, naturally. I wouldn’t expect anything less of him. Apparently on the truck as they were collecting what items they wanted, Coach instructed everyone on what they should get using his eyes. Um...right...this guy’s crazy.
Jeff asks Erinn about her opinion of this, and Erinn says that she thinks Coach may be used to being the leader, but Brendan’s a better leader. Hahaha. That’s clearly true. Coach and Erinn get into a little fight/discussion. Jeff calls Coach out on having a big ego, and Coach tries to claim he doesn’t. Riiiiight. So um, voting time?
We see that Erinn votes for Jerry, Jerry votes for Erinn, and Coach brought his trench coat to Tribal again. You know how chilly it gets in the Brazil. Jeff tallies the votes, asks if anyone wants to play the Immunity Idol (you know Brendan won’t play it), and then reads the votes. And they are:
And thus, Jerry is the third to leave, and Tyson didn’t get to see Erinn cry. Apparently everyone voted for Jerry. What happened to Coach and Tyson’s big upset?
Bottom Four:
Assistant Coach (aka Tyson): He says some really funny stuff, but we can’t get past the fact that he’s Coach’s lackey.
Sandy: We didn’t see too much of her, but “not seeing too much” is still too much.
Sydney: We don’t really have a reason. We just don’t like her.
Core Four (Plus One):
Sierra: She’s still our little underdog and she’s looking better and better as far as position in camp goes. Barring seriously bad performance, she’s safe for at least one more week, and may be joining a secret alliance of four soon.
Taj: Anyone with that maniacal of a laugh must be in our Core Four. Plus, she’s sitting pretty if she makes it to the merge.
Stephen: A potential member of the secret alliance of four and he doesn’t seem to have a giant ego, which is enough to put him in our Core Four.
JT: He didn’t have much of a role in tonight’s episode, but we’re still smitten from last week. Keep it up Huckleberry Finn.
Brendan: At first he just looked like a tool, but he might just be smarter than we thought. He found an idol and may have entered into a very powerful alliance.
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