Last week on Survivor, Sandy and Sierra gave a bad first impression, Coach was self-important, Sandy didn’t know what a pace was, and Carolina hit the hills. Survivor has already thrown in a twist and there's been a total blindside...and that was the only first episode! Hopefully this season will continue to produce drama. Let the alliance-forming begin.
Check out the rest of our recap after the jump.
As per Survivor custom, we start with the loser tribe returning to camp after tribal council, and we’re shown them trying to start a fire in the dark. Sandy is naturally happy that she wasn’t sent home and thanks her tribe mates. She says that Carolina played her cards wrong, but she probably shouldn’t pat herself on the back yet since Spencer made it clear in an interview that Sandy’s next to go anyways.
Now it’s the next day at Jalapao camp and they’re eating what appears to be some sort of melon. Spencer talks about how as a teenager, he’s used to always having food. I’m not sure that’s just a teenager thing, but okay. Joe says that veggies are fine, but that the tribe needs meat. Joe decides that they should have termites. I think Joe is from Texas, so I’m assuming he would rather have a good steak. In the termite mounds, the group finds some nasty bugs that look like they belong in a food challenge. Some of them eat them, and I must say they are behaving like they’ve been stranded for months even though this is day 5. If you guys are that hungry now, how’s it going to be on day 39?
At Timbira, Sierra, realizing that she still is sitting in a bad position, decides that she should look for the hidden immunity idol. Instead of looking for it on her own, she enlists the help of Brendan, since he’s the only one who didn’t vote for her originally. The Idol probably won’t be that useful for him, since it can only be used at their first Tribal Council, but he’s still going to help her look for it. Why not, I guess. Can’t really hurt.
They set out to find the idol and quickly find the first clue. Unlike Sandy, the two of them know what a pace is and begin to dig. Meanwhile, back at camp, the group wonders where they are and send Debbie to check on them. Because they’re so secretive, they do not have a giant hole dug in the sand at the beach. Wait, I’m sorry, they are not covert at all and are digging a massive hole right in the middle of the beach. Smooth guys, real smooth. They tell Debbie that they’re digging a huge fire pit to make a bonfire and she actually seems to believe it. How dense can she be?
Candace, on the other hand, is not so enthused about the idea and says that she probably won’t go. Ummm… aren’t they stranded in the middle of nowhere? What else does she have to do? Besides Candace’s disapproval of the idea of a fire pit, no one seems to think it’s odd that they were randomly digging a random hole on the beach. Umm...have these people never seen Survivor before?
Sierra decides that it’s not worth it finding the idol even though she’ll probably be voted out first.
Next, we’re back at Timbira and Candace says that she could really go for some steamed sea bass cooked in foil with lime and oil, and Tyson deadpans that they could probably find all of that around the camp and Candace actually believes it. As a side note I would like to say that Candace needs to wear a bra. Her boobs are really grossing me out.
There’s already some friction in camp, and Coach and Candace are butting heads. Coach says that they have similar personalities in that they both look to find faults in other people. Proving that he’s an arrogant jerk, Coach says that, “I do it because I’m a coach and I do it because that’s my job and I think maybe she does it because that’s just her nature.” Ummm, Coach, it’s not your job out here, so I guess it is in your nature too, ass.
Apparently in REAL LIFE Candace would have been an even bigger ass and like attacked him and broke down his insecurities, but she’s holding back, since she’s on Survivor. Man, she’s ruthless in real life, but not in the game. Shouldn’t it be the opposite? Candace says of Coach, “That man has an ego bigger than Brazil. That will be the death of him.” Probably true, although if I were a betting woman, I would say that it will be Candace’s downfall as well. Coach kind of apologizes to Candace I guess, and then wants to either kiss her or lick her face. I can’t figure out which. Either way, that guy is so messed up.
Now at Jalapao, Taj tells the camp that she normally looks cuter. God, I hope so. She also lets it slip that she’s married to Eddie George, Heisman winner and former pro-football player. Spencer, Joe, and Hick all know who he is and look surprised that she told them that so non-chelantly. Stephen, the nerd from New York, obviously has no idea who Eddie George is. J.T. tells the camera that his perspective on Taj has changed because she obviously has more money than any of them. Spencer seems very impressed by it though.
It begins to rain as Jeff tells the tribes about their second immunity challenge. Since I never really pay attention as Jeff explains the rules, I can only say that it’s something about scoring goals. First team to three wins immunity, fishing gear, and the right to send a member of the other team to Exile Island. Apparently there’s a new Exile Island twist, but Jeff is being a tease and won’t tell us yet.
First round is Taj, Stephen, and Sydney for Jalapao vs. Sierra, Candace, and Tyson for Timbira. The game gets violent fast, which I love. Candace ends up scoring, giving Timbira the lead.
Next match up is JT, Joe, and Sandy for Jalapao vs. Erinn, Brendan, and Tyson (again) for Timbira. God, I love the violence of this. This match is really just about the boys, since Sandy refuses to let go of Erinn’s bikini, so the two of them are basically just sitting at the other end of the game. Tyson scores, giving Timbira a 2-0 lead.
Next round is all girls...Candace, Sierra, and Erinn for Timbira vs. Taj, Sydney, and Sandy for Jalapao. I’m pretty sure the girls just tried to drown Sierra. Awesome. Taj takes a couple of open shots and completely misses, Candace also tries, also misses, and eventually Sydney scores, putting Jalapao on the board.
Now we get a guys round with JT, Joe, and Spencer for Jalapao vs. Brendan, Coach, and Jerry for Timbira. Coach can barely walk through the water, and JT scores fairly early on. So now it’s tied 2-2.
Final match up is Stephen, Sydney, and Taj for Jalapao vs. Sierra, Candace, and Tyson for Timbira. This game is pretty intense, with no one getting off any good shots for a while. The match ups are Stephen vs. Tyson, Sierra vs. Sydney, and Candace vs. Taj, and they all seem pretty evenly paired. Also, these people all kind of suck at shooting. Stephen eventually scores, giving Jalapao the win. Boooo.
Jalapao, as the winners, decide to send Brendan to Exile Island. In a shocking twist, Brendan gets to chose one member of the winning tribe to go with him to Exile Island. He chooses to bring Taj with him, and they head off with a map and the hope of finding an idol.
We see a talking head of Tyson saying that Sierra’s probably going to be the one to go for their tribe. Ahhh...I hope not. That girl better start searching hardcore for the Idol.
An excited Jalapao gets back to camp and does a tribe cheer. Sandy is glad they won because if they lost there was probably a “50% chance” she was going home. Ummm. I would have put the odds a bit higher than that, dear. Who else would even be considered?
The J.T. and Stephen quickly get to work with the fishing gear they won and J.T. stands out as knowing what he’s doing. Stephen is particularly impressed and as he puts it, “He might just be seducing me with his pretty county ways, but I’m smitten.” We see some adorable Norman Rockwell painting worthy shorts of JT teaching Stephen to fish, and Stephen declares that he is going to become the greatest spear fisherman ever and J.T. remarks that they “ain’t got nothin’ but time and hunger pains.” They come back from fishing empty handed but for the heartwarming new friendship they formed.
We now head to an extremely barren-looking Exile where Brendan declares that he thinks that this will be a good opportunity to get information from Taj. Once at Exile they find two urns from which to choose. Taj chooses the empty one and Brendan’s urn contains the first immunity idol clue (something about Tribal Homeland —so back at camp?) and a note that tells him he can switch to the other tribe if he wants. . Would Taj then have to go to his tribe? Brendan says there’s no way he’s going to change tribes, so I guess we won’t find out just yet. He decides to share his clue with Taj, so she still tags along with him as he fruitlessly searches for the idol. Taj correctly tells him that the clue means it’s back at camp. Taj and Brendan bond, and decide they both want to get sent back to Exile for more clues. Dang...Brendan’s forming alliances left and right.
Back at Timbira camp, some of them start talking about Coach, since he sucked at the challenge hardcore. Candace tries to throw Coach under the bus and get him sent home. She describes him as being all words and no action and as being, “one of the church women at my church who go every Sunday and wear these hats, but that ain’t on the up and up.” I think the idea is that he acts like he’s a certain way, but it’s actually bullshit. Or she might just think he should cover up his hair with a hat, which I completely agree with.
Later, Debbie tells Coach that Candace was trash-talking him and Coach, hearing this, decides that Candace should be the next to go. So much for his keeping strong players around plan. Yeah...there’s a reason no one ever does that. You get rid of strong players when they’re a threat. Saying you want to win against the best is cute and all that, but umm...you need to actually get to the end for it to matter.
Brendan now heads back to camp and is greeted by hugs. He tells the group that she got the urn with the clue in it, and that she went off looking for it without him. That was actually a good move on his part. The best lies have a grain of truth to them. They seem to believe him, although you’d think they’d still be suspicious either way.
Later at Timbira, Erinn and Candace talk about wanting to get rid of Coach, although they’re not sure this is the best time. They decide to wait to make a move on Coach. Boy, things are definitely looking good for Sierra. I never thought I would say that after the idol search snafu.
The whole tribe (minus Sierra) talk about “sticking with the original plan”, meaning getting rid of Sierra, although at least Coach has no intention of going with this. Tyson and Jerry talk about what they’re going to do. I think they might still stick with Sierra, but I’m not totally sure. Coach tells Sierra that he’s voting for Candace, but Sierra doesn’t feel very safe. That makes sense. Why would anyone trust Coach?
Erinn and Candace talk, and Candace assures Erinn that if anyone strays, neither of them will be the target. I definitely hope that Candace goes, because I like Sierra. Candace will be way more fun to see voted out, since she thinks there’s no way to going. Who doesn’t love a nice blindside?
Now they head to Tribal Council, where Jeff starts asking questions about how the tribe feels about Sierra and why they voted for her originally. He then turns the questions to how well Candace is getting along with the tribe. So um...who do we think are the possible targets this week? Jeff has to ask way more questions than they actually show, because otherwise it’d be pretty obvious who was getting votes, or at least being considered for votes.
Jeff then asks about Brendan and his experience at Exile, and Coach talks about how Brendan says he didn’t get the clue. Coach believes him, because apparently Coach completely trusts Brendan. Jerry talks about trusting and liking people on his tribe too.
Erinn, on the other hand, is reasonable. She points out that you can’t trust people after three days just because you trekked four hours through the jungle together. Very good point.
And then it’s time to vote. The tribe votes and when Coach comes back from voting, coat in hand, Jeff goes to “tally the votes.”
Jeff asks if anyone has the hidden Immunity Idol, and, of course, Sierra doesn’t. The votes are:
With (at least) five votes, Candace is gone. So...did anyone else NOT vote for Candace? Because weren’t her and Erinn all BFF-like? Interesting.
Core Four
Sierra: She seems like the weakest person there, yet she survived again. She’s definitely becoming our favorite underdog.
Stephen: He may be a geeky New Yorker, but his newfound friendship with J.T. is pretty cute.
J.T.: He’s good at surviving and he is still wooing us (and Stephen) with his Southern charm.
Brendan: Even though he was a little slow about the clue, he did a good job lying about Exile Island.
Now it’s the next day at Jalapao camp and they’re eating what appears to be some sort of melon. Spencer talks about how as a teenager, he’s used to always having food. I’m not sure that’s just a teenager thing, but okay. Joe says that veggies are fine, but that the tribe needs meat. Joe decides that they should have termites. I think Joe is from Texas, so I’m assuming he would rather have a good steak. In the termite mounds, the group finds some nasty bugs that look like they belong in a food challenge. Some of them eat them, and I must say they are behaving like they’ve been stranded for months even though this is day 5. If you guys are that hungry now, how’s it going to be on day 39?
At Timbira, Sierra, realizing that she still is sitting in a bad position, decides that she should look for the hidden immunity idol. Instead of looking for it on her own, she enlists the help of Brendan, since he’s the only one who didn’t vote for her originally. The Idol probably won’t be that useful for him, since it can only be used at their first Tribal Council, but he’s still going to help her look for it. Why not, I guess. Can’t really hurt.
They set out to find the idol and quickly find the first clue. Unlike Sandy, the two of them know what a pace is and begin to dig. Meanwhile, back at camp, the group wonders where they are and send Debbie to check on them. Because they’re so secretive, they do not have a giant hole dug in the sand at the beach. Wait, I’m sorry, they are not covert at all and are digging a massive hole right in the middle of the beach. Smooth guys, real smooth. They tell Debbie that they’re digging a huge fire pit to make a bonfire and she actually seems to believe it. How dense can she be?
Candace, on the other hand, is not so enthused about the idea and says that she probably won’t go. Ummm… aren’t they stranded in the middle of nowhere? What else does she have to do? Besides Candace’s disapproval of the idea of a fire pit, no one seems to think it’s odd that they were randomly digging a random hole on the beach. Umm...have these people never seen Survivor before?
Sierra decides that it’s not worth it finding the idol even though she’ll probably be voted out first.
Next, we’re back at Timbira and Candace says that she could really go for some steamed sea bass cooked in foil with lime and oil, and Tyson deadpans that they could probably find all of that around the camp and Candace actually believes it. As a side note I would like to say that Candace needs to wear a bra. Her boobs are really grossing me out.
There’s already some friction in camp, and Coach and Candace are butting heads. Coach says that they have similar personalities in that they both look to find faults in other people. Proving that he’s an arrogant jerk, Coach says that, “I do it because I’m a coach and I do it because that’s my job and I think maybe she does it because that’s just her nature.” Ummm, Coach, it’s not your job out here, so I guess it is in your nature too, ass.
Apparently in REAL LIFE Candace would have been an even bigger ass and like attacked him and broke down his insecurities, but she’s holding back, since she’s on Survivor. Man, she’s ruthless in real life, but not in the game. Shouldn’t it be the opposite? Candace says of Coach, “That man has an ego bigger than Brazil. That will be the death of him.” Probably true, although if I were a betting woman, I would say that it will be Candace’s downfall as well. Coach kind of apologizes to Candace I guess, and then wants to either kiss her or lick her face. I can’t figure out which. Either way, that guy is so messed up.
Now at Jalapao, Taj tells the camp that she normally looks cuter. God, I hope so. She also lets it slip that she’s married to Eddie George, Heisman winner and former pro-football player. Spencer, Joe, and Hick all know who he is and look surprised that she told them that so non-chelantly. Stephen, the nerd from New York, obviously has no idea who Eddie George is. J.T. tells the camera that his perspective on Taj has changed because she obviously has more money than any of them. Spencer seems very impressed by it though.
It begins to rain as Jeff tells the tribes about their second immunity challenge. Since I never really pay attention as Jeff explains the rules, I can only say that it’s something about scoring goals. First team to three wins immunity, fishing gear, and the right to send a member of the other team to Exile Island. Apparently there’s a new Exile Island twist, but Jeff is being a tease and won’t tell us yet.
First round is Taj, Stephen, and Sydney for Jalapao vs. Sierra, Candace, and Tyson for Timbira. The game gets violent fast, which I love. Candace ends up scoring, giving Timbira the lead.
Next match up is JT, Joe, and Sandy for Jalapao vs. Erinn, Brendan, and Tyson (again) for Timbira. God, I love the violence of this. This match is really just about the boys, since Sandy refuses to let go of Erinn’s bikini, so the two of them are basically just sitting at the other end of the game. Tyson scores, giving Timbira a 2-0 lead.
Next round is all girls...Candace, Sierra, and Erinn for Timbira vs. Taj, Sydney, and Sandy for Jalapao. I’m pretty sure the girls just tried to drown Sierra. Awesome. Taj takes a couple of open shots and completely misses, Candace also tries, also misses, and eventually Sydney scores, putting Jalapao on the board.
Now we get a guys round with JT, Joe, and Spencer for Jalapao vs. Brendan, Coach, and Jerry for Timbira. Coach can barely walk through the water, and JT scores fairly early on. So now it’s tied 2-2.
Final match up is Stephen, Sydney, and Taj for Jalapao vs. Sierra, Candace, and Tyson for Timbira. This game is pretty intense, with no one getting off any good shots for a while. The match ups are Stephen vs. Tyson, Sierra vs. Sydney, and Candace vs. Taj, and they all seem pretty evenly paired. Also, these people all kind of suck at shooting. Stephen eventually scores, giving Jalapao the win. Boooo.
Jalapao, as the winners, decide to send Brendan to Exile Island. In a shocking twist, Brendan gets to chose one member of the winning tribe to go with him to Exile Island. He chooses to bring Taj with him, and they head off with a map and the hope of finding an idol.
We see a talking head of Tyson saying that Sierra’s probably going to be the one to go for their tribe. Ahhh...I hope not. That girl better start searching hardcore for the Idol.
An excited Jalapao gets back to camp and does a tribe cheer. Sandy is glad they won because if they lost there was probably a “50% chance” she was going home. Ummm. I would have put the odds a bit higher than that, dear. Who else would even be considered?
The J.T. and Stephen quickly get to work with the fishing gear they won and J.T. stands out as knowing what he’s doing. Stephen is particularly impressed and as he puts it, “He might just be seducing me with his pretty county ways, but I’m smitten.” We see some adorable Norman Rockwell painting worthy shorts of JT teaching Stephen to fish, and Stephen declares that he is going to become the greatest spear fisherman ever and J.T. remarks that they “ain’t got nothin’ but time and hunger pains.” They come back from fishing empty handed but for the heartwarming new friendship they formed.
We now head to an extremely barren-looking Exile where Brendan declares that he thinks that this will be a good opportunity to get information from Taj. Once at Exile they find two urns from which to choose. Taj chooses the empty one and Brendan’s urn contains the first immunity idol clue (something about Tribal Homeland —so back at camp?) and a note that tells him he can switch to the other tribe if he wants. . Would Taj then have to go to his tribe? Brendan says there’s no way he’s going to change tribes, so I guess we won’t find out just yet. He decides to share his clue with Taj, so she still tags along with him as he fruitlessly searches for the idol. Taj correctly tells him that the clue means it’s back at camp. Taj and Brendan bond, and decide they both want to get sent back to Exile for more clues. Dang...Brendan’s forming alliances left and right.
Back at Timbira camp, some of them start talking about Coach, since he sucked at the challenge hardcore. Candace tries to throw Coach under the bus and get him sent home. She describes him as being all words and no action and as being, “one of the church women at my church who go every Sunday and wear these hats, but that ain’t on the up and up.” I think the idea is that he acts like he’s a certain way, but it’s actually bullshit. Or she might just think he should cover up his hair with a hat, which I completely agree with.
Later, Debbie tells Coach that Candace was trash-talking him and Coach, hearing this, decides that Candace should be the next to go. So much for his keeping strong players around plan. Yeah...there’s a reason no one ever does that. You get rid of strong players when they’re a threat. Saying you want to win against the best is cute and all that, but umm...you need to actually get to the end for it to matter.
Brendan now heads back to camp and is greeted by hugs. He tells the group that she got the urn with the clue in it, and that she went off looking for it without him. That was actually a good move on his part. The best lies have a grain of truth to them. They seem to believe him, although you’d think they’d still be suspicious either way.
Later at Timbira, Erinn and Candace talk about wanting to get rid of Coach, although they’re not sure this is the best time. They decide to wait to make a move on Coach. Boy, things are definitely looking good for Sierra. I never thought I would say that after the idol search snafu.
The whole tribe (minus Sierra) talk about “sticking with the original plan”, meaning getting rid of Sierra, although at least Coach has no intention of going with this. Tyson and Jerry talk about what they’re going to do. I think they might still stick with Sierra, but I’m not totally sure. Coach tells Sierra that he’s voting for Candace, but Sierra doesn’t feel very safe. That makes sense. Why would anyone trust Coach?
Erinn and Candace talk, and Candace assures Erinn that if anyone strays, neither of them will be the target. I definitely hope that Candace goes, because I like Sierra. Candace will be way more fun to see voted out, since she thinks there’s no way to going. Who doesn’t love a nice blindside?
Now they head to Tribal Council, where Jeff starts asking questions about how the tribe feels about Sierra and why they voted for her originally. He then turns the questions to how well Candace is getting along with the tribe. So um...who do we think are the possible targets this week? Jeff has to ask way more questions than they actually show, because otherwise it’d be pretty obvious who was getting votes, or at least being considered for votes.
Jeff then asks about Brendan and his experience at Exile, and Coach talks about how Brendan says he didn’t get the clue. Coach believes him, because apparently Coach completely trusts Brendan. Jerry talks about trusting and liking people on his tribe too.
Erinn, on the other hand, is reasonable. She points out that you can’t trust people after three days just because you trekked four hours through the jungle together. Very good point.
And then it’s time to vote. The tribe votes and when Coach comes back from voting, coat in hand, Jeff goes to “tally the votes.”
Jeff asks if anyone has the hidden Immunity Idol, and, of course, Sierra doesn’t. The votes are:
With (at least) five votes, Candace is gone. So...did anyone else NOT vote for Candace? Because weren’t her and Erinn all BFF-like? Interesting.
Core Four
Sierra: She seems like the weakest person there, yet she survived again. She’s definitely becoming our favorite underdog.
Stephen: He may be a geeky New Yorker, but his newfound friendship with J.T. is pretty cute.
J.T.: He’s good at surviving and he is still wooing us (and Stephen) with his Southern charm.
Brendan: Even though he was a little slow about the clue, he did a good job lying about Exile Island.
Where is your episode 2 post ? Come on. Don't tease me like this...you had such a great start.
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